Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just Sayin'....It's Time....

Back on January 30, 2012 I posted on Facebook “Speaking in metaphorical terms, ‘fruit’ can be defined simply as the ‘outward manifestation of inner workings or convictions.’ So, (for what they’re worth) in the days to come I’ll be sharing some of my observations on ‘the fruit’ and ‘the root’…”…..Just a guy, sharin’ his thoughts…

Well, since January, though I have posted some thoughts about the current administration, I’ve been holding off on sharing more of my thoughts about our President and some of his ‘less than forthright’ answers to questions about his past; the fruit of his present actions; and how his past relationships and interactions are actively shaping his hopes for our future. And before you tell me to be more tolerant and that rather than criticize our President I need to pray for him please know I do pray for him and want him to succeed because I want the country to succeed. But, facts are facts and we need to look at some….

President Obama has shown us, by his actions over the past 3+ years that he really is quite serious about what he calls the ‘fundamental transformation’ of America. Just this past week he said we wants another 5 years to ‘recreate America.’ Huh?

Folks, it’s time we all take a serious look at the man occupying the office.

First of all, let it be known that I am not a ‘birther’ so please withhold any comments regarding that particular issue. Our President was elected in accordance with our laws and processes so at this point it doesn’t matter where he was born and raised, that cow has left the barn. Having said that, it is interesting that the president who campaigned for a more “open government” and for “full disclosure at all levels” has been less than open in many important areas and about many important things. Pretty much anywhere/everywhere one looks into our President’s background you find sealed records, scrubbed websites, altered documents, deception and unanswered questions. I mean, if a guy will make up a ‘composite girlfriend’ for his own autobiography what else does he need to embellish/cover up/try and eliminate?

For example:  
  • Our President will not unseal/release his elementary and/or high school records
  • Our President will not unseal/release his passport records
  • Our President will not unseal/release his Harvard record
  • Our President will not unseal/release his Columbia University record
  • Our President will not unseal/release his Occidental College record
  • Our President will not unseal/release his college financing records
  • Our President will not unseal/release his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate
  • Our President will not unseal/release his scheduling records during those State Senate years

Also, isn’t it interesting how the same ‘lame stream’ media that can dig up important facts about Mitt Romney (did you know that once, 30 years ago, he drove with his dog in a secure car-top kennel or that once, 50 years ago, he engaged in a high school prank…DISGRACEFUL!) refuses to dig into any of the above nor will they look in any serious way at the following:
  • Our President’s relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife
  • Our President’s relationship with the shady Rev. Jeremiah Wright
  • Our President’s relationship with his mentor, the avowed communist Frank Marshall Davis
  • Our President’s relationship with his radical ‘Czars’ and other radical staff/cabinet members
  • Our President’s relationship with the SEIU labor union and the SEIU’s association with the violent aspects of the Occupy Whatever movement
  • The fact that our President himself says he ‘sought out’ Marxist professors while in college
  • The fact that our President himself says he enjoyed his interaction with others at the ‘Socialist Conferences’ he attended while in college
  • The fact that our President himself says while in high school he drank heavily, experimented with drugs enthusiastically and ‘did a little blow’ when he could afford it
  • The fact that while our President rails against ‘the rich and the Wall Street fat cats’ he sure enjoys hobnobbing with them and taking their money
  • Will not further examine these words from Michelle Obama spoken during the 2008 campaign (emphasis and parenthetical words added by me) :
    • “Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, change our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
    • “Barack Obama is the only person in this race who understands that we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken....I am married to the only person in this race who can heal this nation.”
    • “Barack Obama is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. (He’s going to demand) That you put down your divisions. (He’s going to demand) That you come out of your isolation. (He’s going to demand) That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. (He’s going to demand) That you push yourselves to be better. (He’s going to demand) That you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.”

That’s enough for now. Just sayin’….

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Some Facts....

Here are some interesting facts regarding the current administration....Don't shoot the messenger.

Just sayin'.....