Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Regarding the "Affordable Care" Act...Here are some facts from a wise young man (under 35 so yeah, he's young, it's all relative)

Obamacare is now the law of the land (actually the Constitution should be viewed as same but we'll talk about that another time). Yay!!! Health care for all, and only the rich are going to suffer. Boo! Not true...

Here's a couple of facts for ya...It is estimated that Obamacare will add $1.79 per hour to the cost of each employee. If employers choose to pay the mandated fine rather than spend the $1.79 it will cost them $.98 per hour per employee. As many as 1/3 of companies in the U.S. are considering canceling health coverage for employees as they can't afford it. Dozens of very large businesses have already announced layoffs in anticipation of increased health coverage costs. AND, if you don’t have health insurance you will be fined AND the IRS will withhold your tax refund…Awesome.

Now, some will say all that is 'theory.' Here are some facts from a wise young man (under 35 so yeah, he's young, it's all relative).

"Please, if anyone reading this has seen their family insurance premiums decreased by $2500 over the past 4 years, I would like to hear your story.  Who is your provider? Do you work for a large company? Small company? Self-employed? I’m trying to get a sampling from my 250+ FB friends. Anyone seen their premiums decrease? Benefits increase? I want to know what industry you work in and how it has improved. Let’s have an adult discussion, no politics, just facts please.

I couldn't stand the suspense so I just went and looked at a pay stub from 2009. In '09 (before my employer had a chance to push Obamacare costs onto its employees) we were paying $141 every 2 weeks, 26 times per year that is $3666. My last paycheck 2 weeks ago we paid $210. 26 times a year that comes out to $5460. That is $1794 out of pocket difference just for the premiums. In addition, we have since lost our copay plan, now instead of paying flat rate per visit, we pay $1k minimum deductible per family member per year. After that we pay 10% of all costs. Additionally, our ER visit costs have gone up, RX co-pays have doubled, dental and vision have both increased proportionately also. I understand how inflation works, I understand things are going to cost more over time, don't need an economics lesson, but this is NOT inflation, this is insurance companies pushing the smothering costs of Obamacare onto its clientele. Still waiting for someone to inform me how this new health care plan has helped anyone. 

In '09 (pre-Obamacare insurance costs) it cost us ~$450 to have our second child. That’s, OB visits for 9 months, 5-day inpatient for both mom and baby (including c-section) and post-care visits. If we had that same baby today it would cost us over $4k out of pocket. Math majors, that is a 1000% increase. Still waiting for someone to show me the silver lining. I’m not seeing it.

My angle is always to win people with facts, arguing the politics of socialism vs free enterprise falls on deaf ears, we should all know that by now. Showing people how much real $$ something actually costs a hard working family may actually have more sway. Listening to Obama brag about how has he met all/most of his objectives in the recent debates really set me off. Don’t pee on my shoe and tell me it's raining! I’m well educated, I have a high paying job,Ii own all my vehicles, I have owned a home for all 11 of my adult years, I have ZERO consumer debt, and somehow even given all of that, I still can't pay for fuel to put in my car and I routinely have to choose between taking my child to the doctor’s office or putting food on my table. 

Tell me how redistributing wealth has helped anyone in this country. If people want handouts, come to church. At our church we freely give. Let the government protect us from terror, let the people take care of our own welfare. Let big bird pay for his own cable network, I’ll pay for the NFL network if I want to watch the NFL!"

True that.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

If it is to be, it's up to me, and you.

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Barack Obama, 2008

When candidate Obama said that five days before he was elected President four years ago, most of America didn't even pay attention. And we have suffered for it. A lot of people think the President has come up short (or failed if we want to be honest about it) because he is inexperienced and doesn't know what he is doing. I disagree. I believe he knows exactly what he’s doing…He is working on the ‘fundamental transformation’ of America, just as he promised; he is looking forward to the day when we won’t recognize this country anymore because of the ‘change’ he is working to bring about. Michelle Obama said about her then-candidate husband:

“Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, change our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

Our current President seeks to ‘fundamentally transform America’ away from a Constitutional republic to something else he deems better. But, we MUST ask ‘fundamentally change’ INTO WHAT? Has our past been so bad and our foundations so flawed? What has made America what she is? Are we smarter than the rest of the world? Are we more creative? Are we more disciplined? Are we physically more imposing? WHAT IS IT THAT MAKES US THE ENVY OF THE WORLD, THAT MAKES PEOPLE IN IMPOVERISHED COUNTIRES WANT TO COME HERE RATHER THAN SOME OTHER IMPOVERISHED COUNTRY? WHAT IS IT?...WHAT? It's the founding, first principles....The 'recipe' if you will.

‘Fundamental Change’….What does this really mean? He wants to ‘change the recipe’ that has made America the most prosperous, most generous, most benevolent, most liberating nation in history….

Let’s think about it like this:

If you want the cake in the picture you have to follow the recipe on the box. You can say you want the cake in the picture, but if you ‘fundamentally change’ the recipe you won’t get it.. You will get something else…And we’re seeing the results of the attempts of the administration to change the recipe. And the results are not good.

If you are happy with direction the country is headed, you should vote for President Obama and all candidates nationally and locally that identify with his agenda. If you feel we need a change in direction, you should vote for Mitt Romney and all candidates nationally and locally that identify with his agenda.

If it is to be, it's up to me, and you.

Friday, November 2, 2012

We Need and Want a President Who Will Act in the Best Interests of the Country...

I issued the following 'warning' on Facebook 11/1....

Hello my FB friends:
Just a heads up....Knowing that a lot of folks haven't voted yet I'm gonna be posting daily regarding the upcoming elections until Nov. 6th (election day if you haven't heard). Hopefully you will find my astute musings profitable (unless you're against profits then feel free to re-distribute them as you see fit. Oh wow, I just posted today's). As the day draws near some may be a little more pointed than previous posts, but let's make a commitment now to remain friends, agreed?

Stay tuned, and stay patient, it's almost over.
Love love,

Here we go…..
Originally posted Jan 15, 2012...Just a reminder:

I posted October 25, 2011:
President Obama is traveling the country proudly saying “If congress won’t act, I will.” Mr. President, you are not a king, you are not a benevolent dictator, you are bound to operate within the framework of the constitution in concert with the other two branches of government and you cannot 'act on your own.'
I posted November 2, 2011 as a follow up to the Oct. 25 post:
“If congress won’t act, I will.” Well, here we go...President Obama has signed 5 Executive Orders in the last week alone. He is circumventing Congress. And he is being encouraged to do so. Here is a quote from Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr: “I hope the President continues to exercise extraordinary constitutional means, based on the history of Congresses that have been in rebellion in the past. He’s looking administratively for ways to advance the causes of the American people, because this Congress is completely dysfunctional." Mr. President, just because the majority of Congress have different ideas about policy than you do does not give you the right to by-pass them AND the Constitution. By your actions you are abandoning your responsibility, your reason, and have shown your utter disrespect for the Constitution, our national institutions and the rule of law.
Posted Jan 15, 2012:
And today, ‘the beat goes on:’ President Obama just appointed Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three members to the National Labor Relations Board, using the ‘recess appointment’ rational, even though the Senate has met every three or four days over the holiday period and therefore is not in recess. As House Speaker John Boehner said "This is an extraordinary and entirely unprecedented power grab by President Obama which will have a devastating effect on the checks and balances that are enshrined in our constitution." The President feels he was justified in the appointments, calling the pro forma sessions "gimmicks."…

This is just the latest evidence of President Obama’s blatant disregard for the Constitution (overuse of Executive Orders, the Individual Mandate in the healthcare bill, acting independently/without Congress in the Libyan involvement, etc. etc.).

Here’s the problem: President Obama thinks ‘he knows best’ and we need him to ‘act on our behalf’ as he sees best even if it means going outside the limitations of the Constitution. It’s no mystery why our President is sympathetic to many of the world’s dictatorial regimes, for based on his recent actions, it appears he desires to be a dictator.

Mr. President, we don’t need or want a dictator. We need and want a President who will act in the best interests of the country rather than in the best interests of his party and fringe support groups, a President who will adhere to the vows taken to uphold and adhere to the Constitution.

And we are going to fire you.

Just sayin'...