Thursday, February 21, 2013

Plant, water, wait, water again, wait, water again, wait, harvest. Repeat.

Hi World,
This is why I joined iLA……."If you can provide a person hope for change, you can help change ‘their world’.’ Thru iLA people are going to be encouraged, motivated, blessed, inspired and if they apply what they hear and see, changed."

iLA is more than just an amazing, first to market income opportunity....Let's not forget that. iLA will do people good in more ways than one. One way is thru the personal development content people will be given hope. Hope that things can be different, hope that they can change, hope that they don't have to 'stay stuck' in their current circumstances that are 'less than' what they desire....Hope.

Now, I recently sent some folks a message asking ‘Howzit, can I help you in in any way to grow your iLA business?’ And, some mentioned that they are just now ‘getting started,’ some are happy with the way things are going, and some are experiencing some of the normal ebb and flow of momentum and ‘feelings’ that come with launching anything new. Seems there is always a flurry of activity at first, then things settle down to a more realistic pace as prospect interest and enrollments have slowed down some.

Before we get too maudlin and start thinking ‘nobody is interested’ let’s look at some facts:
1.   Most of our team members are new to the network marketing world, and still our team continues to grow.
2.   We have 8 states and Kosova, Hungary, Mexico and Greece represented  on our team
3. The approximately 60,000 people WW who have signed up since mid-Jan tells me people ARE interested, and we JUST WENT LIVE June 1.....

But, having said all that, we must also recognize that starting something new that involves other people has its challenges. Right?  

Any enterprise you start, be it a business, a church, a club, anything you start from scratch is going to take TIME to build, NOTHING happens overnight. The more I learn about the ‘heart and vision’ behind iLA the more I come to see that iLA is an AMAZING opportunity with a FANTASTIC future. Again, and I can’t emphasize enough, give this thing TIME. This is a REAL business and it will take REAL time and REAL effort to develop. As I wrote in a previous post, anything we start doing that we haven’t done before has a steep learning curve (eating, walking, drinking from something other than a sippy cup, etc) and it WILL take time. But I am confident that if we give ourselves 2 years to build our business and spent $240, good investment! So make a commitment to yourself that you’re going to give it a year, or better give it two years, or three years….Just don’t quit after three or four or even six months. I’m convinced you will regret it if you do.

If after a year or two your matrix hasn't grown at all, THEN question why it isn't working. Think of it like this; If you started a retail business a few weeks ago, or even a few months ago would you be looking to close the doors because you haven't made a profit yet? NO, of course not!

Now….Let’s talk about ‘how to share iLA with people.’ We know iLA is new to the world. Therefore we know that any ‘seeds’ we are planting are ‘new kinds of seeds.’ Having planted a church, I know what it is to plant, wait, and wait, and wait before things begin to ‘grow.’ 

But you should also know that except for 5 family members NOT ONE OF THE 40 PEOPLE I HAVE ENROLLED INTO iLA HAS SIGNED UP AFTER ME SHARING WITH THEM JUST ONE TIME! Nope, not one. Instead the process has gone like this:

Plant, water, wait, water again, wait, water again, wait, harvest. Repeat.

To be successful in network marketing you have to invest in the people you are sharing with. Be willing to help, be willing to listen, be willing to share, be willing to 'give space'....Be willing to serve.


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