Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is 'Income Inequality' THE 'Defining Issue' of Our Tme?

President Obama recently said income inequality is “the defining issue of our time.” Seriously? Is ‘income inequality’ more important than the loss of individual freedoms? Is ‘income inequality’ more important than our elected officials (BOTH PARTIES!) consistently dismissing and ignoring the Bill of rights and Constitution? If it were then maybe ignoring our foundational documents might be justified. BUT it is not. What’s at the top of the list (my list anyway) is reigning in a government and administration intent on the ‘fundamental transformation’ of America….

On Oct 25, 2011 I posted: President Obama is traveling the country proudly saying “If congress won’t act, I will” to which I replied “Mr. President, you are not a king, you are not a benevolent dictator, you are bound to operate within the framework of the constitution in concert with the other two branches of government and you cannot 'act on your own.'”

Some people said I was ‘overreacting’ and that the President was only trying to ‘get stuff’ done. Never mind that he and his party currently have control of the White House and the Senate and that for the first 2 years of his presidency Democrats held the White House, the Senate and the House. So, it’s not really about ‘Congress not acting’ it’s about Congress not acting the way he would like. And, he’s frustrated. 

At a recent campaign stop we got a glimpse into his frustration where he actually says “I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.” What is perhaps even more disconcerting is the response of the crowd as they cheer and begin to chant, “Yes we can.”  But what is most disturbing is you can hear people in the crowd chanting “Yes you can.” My fear is that too many folks are adopting that same attitude, willing to acquiesce fundamental rights for the sake of ‘political expediency born out of simple compassion’….

While the President does acknowledge “that’s not how our democracy functions” it hasn’t stopped him from ‘working his way around Congress.’

Need more proof?
  • He has made unprecedented use of his Executive Order privilege to circumvent Congress
  • He appointed a new head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three members to the National Labor Relations Board, using the ‘recess appointment’ rational, even though the Senate has met every three or four days over the holiday period and therefore is not in recess
  • He recently said again regarding changing laws he disagrees with "I wish I had a magic wand and could make this all happen on my own...There are times where -- until Nancy Pelosi is speaker again -- I'd like to work my way around Congress."
  • Mandating that sovereign individuals, simply because they are breathing, engage in commerce by procuring a product (health insurance) even if they don’t want it and punishing those who do not comply thru fines or other means
  • Mandating that faith-based organizations must provide products and services that are against their individual and collective conscience
  • In his ‘benevolence’ creating a new ‘Homeowner Bill of Rights’ while on so many fronts ignoring our original Bill of Rights
  • The Administration takes over some banks & parts of the auto industry and decides the salaries of those that lead same
  • The First Lady tells parents what to feed their children, what restaurant menus should look like, etc
  • President Obama recently told human rights advocates at the White House that he was thinking over the possible need for a “preventive detention” system that would establish a legal basis for the United States to incarcerate terrorism suspects (without trial) who are deemed a threat (by the government) to national security
  • Our President recently said "We've got laws on the books that have to be upheld."  But he quickly added there are different ways to uphold the laws on the books. "You know as well as anyone that…how we enforce those laws is also important." Which leads to why our President has been ‘selective’ in his enforcement of laws already on the books, choosing to enforce the ones he agrees with and not enforcing the ones he disagrees wth….
    • He ordered the Department of Justice to no longer enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Section 3, even though DOMA was duly enacted and passed into law in 1996
    • His administration directed that the federal government sue the sovereign state of Arizona to make Arizona cease enforcing federal immigration
    • His Justice Department dropped it's lawsuit against the New Black Panthers for intimidating white voters in Philadelphia
I could give more examples of all this, and I will, later…..Stay tuned.

Just a guy, sharin’ his thoughts…..